To post closed batches, click on Settings and then the menu Post Closed Batches

The batches are auto-closed at 23:59 hrs on the day of the transaction date. These batches are ready for posting. 

Batch information:  Displays a list of closed batches with details like status, batch numbers, opening and closing dates.



 Post column

 Select the check-boxes next to the batches you want to export. 

 Click All to select all batches or click None to clear all selections.

 Batch Number

 Displays the batch number.


 Displays the batch open and closed dates.


 Click the Post button to create the export file. 

 File Type and Name

 Select the file format from the drop-down menu. Enter a name for the export file. 


 Click the Export button to export the closed batches to the file you designated. 

Further, you must import the file in your accounting software to complete the posting process.